Monday 8 December 2014



The D.S.M brief was something I thought I would initially struggle with as it is really hard to design for something that doesn't particularly interest you or something you don't really know about, in this case a water suppliers. However in doing this brief it has enabled me to learn and work from a systematic 3 step process that I could use for all of my future briefs. Breaking the process of branding to define, create and build has been an essential factor in helping me realise how to do this brief and I have designed something I am really pleased with!

Although I didn't win the brief the crit sessions with the visiting professionals was really beneficial for my development, it allowed me to get some solid advice which helped me move forward with my project and consider outcomes I wouldn't have initially thought of, like changing the context of a water suppliers from something generic to engaging, which is what I focused on throughout this brief and was something that made it enjoyable.

What skills have you developed through this brief and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

The skills I have acquired is working through a system to create a brand, I think working in this step by step process really benefitted my outlook on creating a brand and allowed me to consider a wide range of ways on how I could contextually and visually represent it.

What approaches / methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

For this project I worked in an all digital format, its something I enjoy but something I don't always heavily work on. With that being said, I think the layout and development of creating a website has extensively improved from previous years and projects in how I designed it. Moving out of my comfort zone definitely was a success with this brief and by doing my website and enjoying it I even went on to making a small version of an app. With this new confidence in design production I will now try and develop these skills further for future work.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

The strengths in this project I think was the overall aesthetic, I think when I usually brand a product or a design, I sometimes use too many colour or font's and for this project I really wanted to create something consistent and clean. I think  this was achieved by the colour scheme and branded guidelines I set for myself in the create stages which made the design easy to work with across different platforms.

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

I think my approach to my presentation could have been done in a more exciting way, I was really nervous for some reason and I don't think that really helped with the delivery of my ideas. Also one thing I forgot to consider was actually making it into a story and telling the brands journey, I think at the time I was more focused on finishing it's visual aesthetic which my have been a little factor in me not winning. 

Identify things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

Practice my presentations or write out an idea of what I am potentially going to say, to ensure my ideas get across clearly and effectively.

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